Route1 Independent Visitor/Advocate (available across Somerset)

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If you are looking for a role supporting children and young people in Somerset then our Route1 Independent Visitor or Advocate Volunteer role may be for you!

Independent Visitors are volunteers who befriend and spend time with a child or young person who is in the care of the Local Authority. This role emphasises building a long term relationship with one child or young person (visiting once or twice each month and sometimes more often) - undertaking a variety of activities together, depending on their interests and the age of the young person.

Advocacy involves short term engagement with each child through the particular issue at hand. An advocate is an independent person who can offer one to one support to children and young people. Advocates can speak up for the young person, give advice, make them aware of their rights, listen to them and represent their views, wishes and feelings. Their aim is to empower a young person by supporting them to have their say. We have a bank of advocates and each one can agree to take on a specific case or not.

These volunteer roles provides an excellent introduction to children’s services and to gaining knowledge and experience of working with vulnerable children.

Many professionals now employed as social workers, educators and employees in other children’s services commenced their careers as volunteers with this service.

All volunteers with Route1 Advocacy:

  • Receive support from professional staff
  • Can act as both an advocate and an independent visitor if they wish
  • Take part in an exciting and stimulating training programme
  • Provide a highly valued service which can sometimes be life changing for a vulnerable young person and even for the volunteer themselves
  • Improve the well-being of vulnerable children, our communities and even themselves
  • Help ensure the child’s voice is heard and the child is empowered in such a way that their rights are recognised and acted upon.
  • These are statutory roles. All travel and general expenses are reimbursed.

Children and young people's words about their Independent Visitors

Becoming an Independent Visitor or Advocate

What Volunteers Say

A positive experience helping young people, listening and then giving them a voice when decisions are made concerning their future

Challenging, worthwhile feel like make a difference to some of young people and to give something back to society

It has enabled me to offer time and experience to young people and hopefully I have enriched their lives

To read about Adam's experience volunteering for Route1, click here.

Please note, this role requires both an employer and character reference. If this is a difficulty for you, please contact the Volunteer Team on 01823 359200 /